North Carolina Legislation Makes CPR a Graduation Requirement

I am thrilled to announce that CPR training is now a graduation requirement in the state of North Carolina!  House Bill 837, which will take effect in the 2014-15 school year, was signed yesterday by Governor Beverly Perdue (see photo to the right), who said, “I can think of nothing that we’ve done this year that has any more profound and long-lasting effects on the health and wellness and survivability in North Carolina from any kind of heart attack or incident.”


While North Carolina has had CPR instruction as part of the standard course of study since 1997, training was not tracked in any way. With the new law in place, it will be. The law also establishes a Chain of Survival Task Force tasked with determining how NC can place an AED in all state-owned buildings. Finally, it directs the State Board of Education to work with the AHA and other national organizations to develop a plan for implementation of CPR training.


The bill signing marks the first victory for the CPR in Schools policy goal this fiscal year and the fourth this calendar year (following TN, MN and VT). Please join me in congratulating the Mid Atlantic Affiliate volunteers and staff, and tenacious bill sponsor Representative Becky Carney, for their tireless efforts in making this happen. We are one step closer to ensuring that every American receives lifesaving CPR training!

1 thought on “North Carolina Legislation Makes CPR a Graduation Requirement”

  1. I am amazed and I hope the rest of the world will follow this act and make it their goal.

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