In advance of Thanksgiving, the following post was written by Brian Eigel, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of ECC for ECC staff. We invite you to respond in the comments section with your thoughts on what you are thankful for this season.
On Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving – a time when we reflect back on our year, consider the good that has happened, and publicly express our gratitude to family and friends. As my work family and friends I want to take a moment to share my thanks with each of you.
This Thanksgiving, as I reflect on the journey we’ve had this year, I think back to what I shared with you all in my early days in this role and what I continue to be grateful for now:
- I’m thankful for your passion, dedication and commitment to our mission that is changing the world and transforming our impact.
- I’m thankful that you’ve inspired me to think the unthinkable and dream the impossible by doing this yourselves, by remaining curious, and by asking “what if”.
- Most importantly, I’m thankful for you. We are amazing people delivering incredible results.
Lastly, I know that we remain as busy as ever, with high expectations to meet and exceed our prior great accomplishments while at the same transforming and inventing how we will create extraordinary impact in the future. I know that every day you are going above and beyond to support our team in all of the work that we do for the AHA and for that I wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, how truly thankful I am to be a member of your team. Your contributions as a teammate, friend and leader are felt each and every day!
I hope that you, your family, friends and loved ones have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
I am thankful for family and friends.
I am thankful that I work for an organization committed to improving people’s health and saving lives around the world.
As this is the AHA CPR and First Aid blog, I’d like to personally thank the people I work with everyday–
– everyone in ECC, particularly the ECC Science team, past and present: Joanna, Stacy, Kristen, Catina, Alicia, Michael, Tom, Russell, Lana, Amber, Mandy, Nabeel, Veronica, Noelle, Eileen and Brian
– the (former) Global Strategies team: Kathryn, Navida, Marilyn, Glenn and Diana, and everyone else in AHA International
– our volunteers and consultants
Thank you all for inspiring me and making me strive to be a better person every single day.
I am very grateful for the opportunity AHA/ECC has given me to discover my hidden skills and gain experience. It is truly an honor and a privilege to work with such an amazing group of people.
I am so very thankful that my brother’s chemotherapy has been successful! There is no better gift for my family.
I am very thankful for my family, friends, and the work that we do everyday. It is because of our hard work that many, many lives are being saved. I am also thankful for our awesome training network. Our training centers, sites, and instructors are constantly spreading the word about the effectiveness of High-Quality CPR to the millions of people we train every year. I am mostly thankful for my Lord and savior Jesus Christ! Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I’m grateful for the journey my life has given me…for the human connections I’ve made along the way…for my family of chance and family of choice…for good health, high humor, and for so many, many chances to laugh and love in this life.
I am especially thankful for family this year. After losing my precious mom two months ago and witnessing my dad’s daily struggle to live without his partner of 63 years, it has given me an enhanced appreciation for family that is often times taken for granted.
I am thankful for my ECC family, When my mom coded twice in the hospital, my heart sank. From the waiting room, I prayed that the team performing CPR on her were properly trained and knew how to perform high quality CPR like never before. I know CPR saved her life that night and gave us two additional weeks with her to celebrate her birthday in a big way and allowed us to say our goodbyes and I love yous. For that, I thank each and everyone of you!
Lastly, I am thankful that my son is home from his first semester in college and my family is complete 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for the warm welcome I received from AHA when I joined this year. I’m grateful to those like my husband who work on the holiday so we can enjoy it. I’m especially thankful for those service members who are working and/or spending the holiday away from family and friends to protect our ability to celebrate. We live in a great country with great people. Happy Thanksgiving to my work family and friends!
I am thankful to be surrounded at work by talented and dedicated individuals committed to improving survival rates (allowing survivors and their loved ones the opportunity to enjoy more Thanksgivings together).
I am thankful to work with dedicated friends every day who bring 100% passion and care to the workplace amidst competing priorities at home and elsewhere.